Felix (2023)
Felix (2023) - Documentary Movies 50 minutes. Фелікс. Лис подільський. The historical documentary film Felix tells the story of a Ukrainian hero who was an aerial reconnaissance man. The project combines authentic accounts of the formation of Ukraine's independence, from 1991 to the present day. The film reveals all the key events that encourage the viewer to reflect on the cost of the people's struggle for independence from the appetites of Muscovy for centuries and continues to defend it to this day. russian invasion of ukraine, ukrainian history, russo-ukrainian war
Released: Aug 10, 2023
Runtime: 50 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Feliks Kurtanich
Crew: Ivanna Slobodianiuk (Director), Ruslan Hryshko (Director), Artem Shemet (Editor), Ivanna Slobodianiuk (Producer)